Aphiwad Chhoeun

Smooth element transition between pages

Element transition between pages with Vue

Adding animation on specific elements from one page to another can add a smooth transition experience for user. Using vue-route, this can be easily done by passing position and size of an element from previous page, using these params I can animate the elements like this:

Jump right to the code
/* AnimeListItem.vue */

// template
<div class="list__item" @click="onClick" ref="item">
  <figure class="image is-square">
    <img :src="anime.image_url" :alt="anime.title" />

// methods
 methods: {
  onClick() {
    // getting its position and size
    const bound = this.$refs.item.getBoundingClientRect();

    // passing bound values to the next page
      name: 'AnimeDetailPage',
      params: { bound }

Now that we have passed the bound values to the next page, here’s when we create animation on the next page using this param:

(I’m using gsap to help with animation)

/* AnimeDetailPage.vue */

// template
<figure class="image anime__cover" ref="cover">
  <img :src="anime.image_url" />

mounted() {
  const currentBound = this.$refs.cover.getBoundingClientRect();
  const previousBound = this.$route.params.bound;

  // run animation
  gsap.from(this.$refs.cover, {
    x: previousBound.x - currentBound.x,
    y: previousBound.y - currentBound.y,
    width: previousBound.width,
    height: previousBound.height,
    duration: 0.8,
    ease: "power3.out",

You can checkout the source code here!